Personal side of mission life: three people on the edge in the middle of bush in West Africa

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting old

Since I came back I've often been thinking that I'm getting old.
On Monday, my friend Annalisa and I, decided to spend a full day together since we both live abroad and we had a lot of topics to catch up. So in perfect roman style, we started our ladies day with a delicious breakfast in Trastevere. Soon we found ourselves discussing about the decadence of Rome, the differences between what people do now and what we used to do when we still live in Italy, the lack of perspective, of interests....We thought it was just by coincidence that we were talking like two old ladies blaming modern habits, so we laughed about it and we went on with our plan. We still had a lot of things to do! Now, shopping has never been a problem for two girls, especially when they feel on vacation in their own town, so they know exactly where to go for nice clothes...but WHAT HAPPENED TO FASHION? to the quality of the outfits?and why prices are so high? and above all: why can't we enter anymore, the two of us together, in the dressing room? Now, the whole logic of going with a friend to shop is that SHE can advice on how the clothes fit me and vice versa...Why is it now forbidden??What happend to the normal, old, female tradition of doing everything together?
The following day I went to the hairdresser: it's so cool to relax in a very fancy shop, modern design, wonderful perfumed products to make waves on your hair, shampoo-massage...But what does it mean "to texturize" my hair, after having made a concave space, prepare a fantasy of different lenghts and attracted two points of light to revitalize the colour?Is the situation so serious?Did I come back with some kind of strange tropical disease?
And finally, the same day, my dentist, who have been knowing me since my first tooth, who with resignation asked me to please fill a form to self-declare about my health condition and discharge the medical institution from any responsability in case I was allergic to the anesthetic and I did not know....
So to recap: the decadence is soffocating our country, fashion is not accessible anymore as well as the dressing rooms, the hairdresser is a multi decorated student of a special Academy in London and I need a dictionary to understand what he is telling me, even my dentist has to protect himself from speculation of insurance companies....
The world has changed and I'm really getting old.


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