Personal side of mission life: three people on the edge in the middle of bush in West Africa

Monday, November 19, 2007

Long and Short

Some days are long and some days are short.... It is quiet interesting, when you have plenty of work to do the day ends before you know it and some days are little on the lighter side and you keep on watching the watch to see when to wrap up a day.

The long and short of it, it is a mechanized life. Every thing is measures in numbers, how much you earn? How much leave you get? How much time remains on finish the job? How much time you have spent on the job? Every thing is measured in numbers and this has made us measure our life in numbers.

We usually get so tangled in it that we forget to give consideration those things which can not be numbered. Example would be satisfaction, positive impact of your contribution on people life, how many people think good about you when you greet them nicely… there are so many things… But here we are trying to link every thing with numbers… I shouldn’t be saying as I am the one work around figures :-)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Birthday Birthday

So here it goes again....Your special events organizer Chiara, wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY this time to...................................NAHO!!!!

I wanted to offer you a plate of carbonara udon, but then I thought it was better to respect traditions, so I hope you like this cake!


Monday, November 05, 2007

Same old story?

So is Yasir right when he says that no metter where you go or what you've got, we are never satisfied?Is it true that this is a tricky game that your mind plays you, but you can stop it?
Or is it just human nature, that is always looking for perfection, when perfection is not reserved to us?Or is it just a natural process, before you get used to any new situation you have to criticize it?
Anyway, I've been here one month and enthusiasm has left me. And I'm not even trying too much, I thought that I pushed, but no way to get it better. Of course life outside the office is much easier and can be nice, if I ever have it fixed, free of so many worries and troubles.
I don't miss isolation, frustration for luck of support, for broken cars, no internet, no proper response or crazy discussions with national staff, but I do miss my motivation. That feeling of being doing exactly what I wanted, what I though I was meant for, the feeling of contributing.
I never worked just for working, I thought that I've always worked because I liked what I was doing. Now I see the limits of a program where you don't realize what they are hiring you for until you get there. And you may feel this is not the right place for you.
So am I stuck again, this time in a big, official and distant apparatus?does not sound like mud, but still it may be difficult to find the right way out....