Personal side of mission life: three people on the edge in the middle of bush in West Africa

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


The global warming is real. The leaves in Kyoto, which normaly change their colors in mid-November, are now turning their colors...but thery are anyway beautiful!
I spent a weekend there with my husband :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Are we free? The question is probing my mind from last few months. Freedom has a huge connotation for some who do not have it in absolute basic necessities. But the question comes, are we free in a real terms. Look at us, we think, we do, and we behave in certain way. We dislike so many things around us but we are not free to make choices, we are stuck in this vicious circle of dependency. In the morning we are dependant on Coffee, in office technology, in general electricity list goes on. Agree that these all are to ease and comfort our lives, but if the perspective takes the other side, we find ourselves heavily dependant on these things we almost are slaves.