Personal side of mission life: three people on the edge in the middle of bush in West Africa

Monday, December 04, 2006

Stuck is the word

When we called this blog Stuck in the Mud, I was not focusing that much on how the word "stuck" was appropriate for what I feel in mission life. More generally is appropriate for my life.
And so, words like "distance", "stuck" "farewell", come back more and more often in this blog and not only by chance. I really feel that everything I experience in the moment I leave it, even if rationally I'm keeping the distance, is penetrating inside my skin, my sight, me feelings, my memories, my emotions. It can be a slow or shocking process, but it keeps on happening.
And once these things, our reality, the day-by-day mission life enters inside my images I get stuck. And, as Yasir said, (every now and then he can say something reasonable), when we are stuck we loose the real perspective of what we are doing. Everything looks more dramatic, for good and for bad, to finally understand, when we change the scenario, that it was not so important to concentrate all our life on it. Or even if it was, that we can anyway move on and have other interests, and keep the good memories with us, grow up, become stronger.
I can't avoid to get stuck: I can use better tyres for the rainy season, or better, I'm trying to fix the road. But I'm somehow prepared to get stuck, stuck in myself first of all. And in some way I respect and I appreciate it. I know it's me and I also know that, no matter how long you get stuck, you always come out.


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