Personal side of mission life: three people on the edge in the middle of bush in West Africa

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A desert is a little bit a nowhere place. I mean, being in a desert is like being nowhere. As it is difficult to find reference points, it's difficult to state exactly where you are and move around finding a way. But you know that you are in a desert and this is heavy. Because you look around and it's neverending. You are nowhere.
So I think I'm nowhere. Even if I know where I am, I know what I do, I've like a remote control on my actions and feelings. Because everything is under the hot heavy painful desert air.
Sometimes I just would like to accept that I can't do this. Or on the contrary, accept everything and do not fight against it.
On your way in the desert, sometimes you come across an oasi.
Mine is glittering far in the distance, I may reach there again some day.


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